The Little Open Book Ministry
The treasurer of our church had emailed you asking if you had your "Meat in Due Season" studies in a booklet form and you asked her how the class was enjoying the studies. She forwarded your question to me because I'm the teacher of the class at our church. The name of the class (chosen by our then superintendent), is "Restoring His Image".
Before I go into the comments from the class members I need to give you a little background on how the Lord set up this class. I, and another member wanted to start a class for the young 20s something and college-age group. We both were teaching the teen/juniors at the time and we were going to switch back and forth between the two classes with the other member being the main teacher. I was going to be her assistant. Well, the Lord didn't see it that way and the superintendent asked me to teach the class and he said we're going to call this class "Restoring His Image." The class was started January, 2017.
I pray constantly for the Lord to put His words in my mouth so the hearts of the members of the class will be drawn to Him and we will truly reflect His image and hasten His coming. My Father has been and is faithful in giving me the words to say as I stand before His people.
I truly believe that the Lord had me to teach this class to draw me into a deeper study then I had ever done in my life and I've been a teacher, Bible worker, have read almost all of EGW: testimonies, devotionals and most other books, have gone through Conflict series with the Bible more than once, giving Bible studies, etc., etc., etc. He wanted to show me more about Himself and have me grow in my experience with Him like never before. The Lord wants to save me and everyone in the class!
Now to the study line of the "Restoring His Image" class:
So 2017 we are studying about absolute surrender and it's a deep study. We can hardly believe what the Lord is teaching us. 2018 we start studying the sanctuary by going through Sarah Peck's book "Pathway to the Throne of God" but the Lord tells me to do a prequel and we study the first 20 chapters of Exodus before getting into the sanctuary and all everyone could say was "Wow, we never saw these things about God before."
I'm praying as we are nearing the end of Peck's book and asking, "what next Father, what are we to study next?" Dennis Priebe comes to our church to speak and during Sabbath school he gives some quotes, and God gave me the next book, M.L. Andreasen's book "The Sanctuary Service" (a book I had read years before).
We are on the day of atonement and the last generation chapters in the book and one of the Elders of my church casually says to me one day after service, "Have you heard of Henry Cha?" I say, "no" and then he says, "I've just heard the most fascinating study on the 3 angels' message, unlike anything I've ever heard before." Of course, I'm all ears but then we get interrupted and I don't have any other info so I do what any astute SDA would do,. . .I go to Audioverse to look up this Henry Cha.
I find two presentations on the sanctuary and the great disappointment. I had never heard anything like this before and I have studied, read and heard everyone from Detamore, E.E.Cleveland, C.D.Brooks, Harding, Bradford. I have listened to and read more books on the sanctuary from Frazee to Gilbert to whomever! I finally get the name of the website and in less than 2 weeks I have listened to 27 sessions and I'm completely humbled by the Lord and crying and saying, "Father, you've answered my prayer. You are truly getting your people ready for the time of trouble and the second coming. You are revealing things to your people like never before."
I thank the Lord for you Elder Cha and I started telling everyone about the series "Meat in Due Season". Since we were already studying the day of atonement, going to 'The Service of God" was the perfect sequel into the series "Meat in Due Season" so at the end of 2019 we started on that study and we take our time. With comments, etc. we'll be on one lesson for 2 weeks and now we're on the Cleansing Messages of Revelation 14. What a blessing the Lord has provided for His church through you and your ministry!! (Pardon, the Lord's Ministry). You are truly a faithful steward of the Lord. I keep you lifted in prayer.
Some of the comments from the members of the class:-
"I'm learning so much about our Lord."
"I am learning so many facts about Bible truths, that are truly guides for the Christlike changes that are needed to guide and strengthen my walk as a pilgrim traveler on this side of the millennium."
"I'm truly learning the deeper things of God".
"I love this class. These studies are powerful!"
"I can't believe I never saw these things before! What a blessing."
"This is truly present truth....Bread from heaven."
"Very enlightening, thought-provoking."
"I believe that this is the greatest study on the sanctuary! I believe that when we finish this great study that we will be ready for translation!! This lesson study is coming straight from the Throne Room of God, the most Holy Place!!”
“Hallelujah!! Praise God!"
"I have never heard a message like this before. It's an amazing study! I have heard bits and pieces of this lesson before but never like this one. If every SDA would study and be obedient...Jesus would have come already!”
One of the members of the class sent the information to a friend in Atlanta Georgia and here's his comment: "Just browsed thru the lesson study...So comprehensive!! So impressive!! Praise God. This is my wish this year, that God will spare me to thoroughly go thru and study the whole series. This is like a top notch College Degree program. Praise God!
Comment from a friend in New York: “I scanned through a couple of topics to see if he's on track with what I know per the SOP and YES, this bro is grounded in the truth as it is in Jesus. This is definitely MEAT IN DUE SEASON and powerfully given. Thank you much. It emboldens what I just finished studying in Andreasen's Sanctuary regarding the ‘mareh/chazown’ visions of Daniel and what we've been teaching in our bible study for the past 9 yrs. I always want to share what I get with others so I'm going to send this to a few of the faithful. This is heaven sent at this time when the Omega Apostasy is rampant and SDAs are distracted by so much nonsense in the church and preaching a watered-down message with no ‘power or conviction’".
The Lord has truly blessed you Elder Cha with His message and I'm so happy that you have listened to Him and have provided not only the class setting (I feel like I'm a part of the class when listening) but thank you, thank you, for providing the PDF study guides. You are doing a work that only in the courts of heaven will it be fully revealed. – I. T., Suitland, MD, USA
May God continue to be gracious and merciful to you according to His love and will. I can't thank you enough for your Ministry (LOBM).
Your have no idea how many people who have been blessed by the studies you presented. We just started a study group in a Home Church in La Feria. We have it on Sabbaths right after potluck. It's amazing to see the joy in the hearts and tears of these people. Thanks again Brother. J.T., Weslaco, TX USA
“Yes, the messages from those CD’s means much not only to those within Adventist groups but to those truth seekers outside of Adventism. Those CD’s are full of truth needed by people who are preparing for translation and longing to stand vindicated in this time of investigative judgment. Hoping for your continued dedication to God’s work and unabated zeal for the last message until its final victory.” —M. G., Philippines
“We are being so blessed by your studies and feel so privileged to have this information. We want to share it with as many as we can. These studies are a gift from the Lord. Thank you once again.” — S. G., Dublin, Ireland
“Thank you so very much for sharing us your blessings. I’m telling my friends as well to check your website. So they too will be part the blessings. God will abundantly bless you and your ministry.” —D. J., Dublin, Ireland
“Thank you once more for your timely messages. Wish all our people could hear this message.” — A. S., California, USA.
“Henry, I really love your classes because they are just out of this world. I would like to be there, but I am not so lucky. I listen to each CD more than 6 to 8 times. I want to drink every word. These CDs have been a blessing to me. I want to say thank you.” — E. M., Florida USA.
“Thank you for the informative and uplifting messages.”– R. K., Washington, USA.
“Thank you so much for the time and effort and money you put into this wonderful and needed ministry. I have enjoyed the CDs and the website.” —R. B., California, USA.
“Thank you so much for the great work you are doing to draw people to the crucial work Jesus is doing in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary. My husband and I have been truly blessed by this message and look forward to hearing and studying more.”– G. Y., California, USA.
“Thanks for having these studies available for those searching for more in depth information about the Truth! —M. B., Texas, USA.
“Just want to tell you, how much I enjoy going over the MDS series. I have grown to love each of the persons on the recording. Their comments, and personalities are wonderful. I feel like I know each of them and have never seen them or even known their names. They are my sisters and brother and I pray for you and them.” –D.P. U.S.A.
“Hi, I just started listening to some of your studies. They have been a blessing and very eye opening! Happy Sabbath!” – N. C. Wilcox, Arizona, USA
“I’m truly convinced that God is leading and inspiring you in the work you’re doing. The messages you’re presenting are truly inspiring and life changing for me. I’m very thankful for that. I’m also thankful to you for your hard work and efforts studying and searching for precious truths and sharing them with my family and many others.” — J. T., TX, USA
“Dearest friends, I m so Happy, because I am learning so much about the sanctuary service through the CDs you have been sending me constantly. Thanks a Lot. I appreciate a lot your kindness. . . “- –A. F., The Dominican Republic.
“Thank you very much for sending the CDs on the sanctuary message. I have listened to all many, many times. I shared the message with a friend and made copies to share with others. Very deep, true and beautiful messages. . .I praise the Lord for the truthful messages. . .”– Y. P., Penn Valley, CA, USA.
“What a blessing to be able to know and learn of the Sanctuary Study Series. My Christian Life has tremendously changed. I believe that I am walking closer with my Lord Jesus now, relying only on His promises and on the ministration He is doing for me and all of His children. Thank you very much for the time you are spending to share this with us. May Great Lord continuously bless you and your family.”– M. R., Edinburg, TX, USA.
“Thanks so much for sending me the CD’s. I feel so blessed to be able to listen to the messages. I always wondered about Joshua and the angel. Because I thought that we received the imparted righteousness of Christ while being sanctified I couldn’t understand why we still didn’t have it. I also wondered what happened to all the people who came into the truth at the end. Would they all die? That didn’t seem right. I have much to study, especially concerning the final atonement etc. . . I’m planning to take notes on these messages so I can study things out better. God bless your ministry.” — Love, M. C., Willits, CA, USA
“I am very blessed and I am studying it. Please pray for me and my family and our small bible study group about the Sanctuary. . . God bless you and your family and the ministry . Thanks for your dedication. You are touching a lot of lives by your message.”– O. N., McAllen, TX, USA.
“I attend the church in Edinburg, Texas, the Edinburg SDA English Church. Several members have invited me to attend this small group Bible study. I finally started attending last Thursday. Brother J. T. is leading the Bible study. My spiritual life is going through a tremendous transformation, as a result. This is a gift from God. Thank you for making this possible. May God continue to bless this ministry.” — M. T., Edinburg, TX, USA.
What a life changing experience it has been since I’ve started studying all of your series. I have been studying for nearly 2 years now Thank you very much for the dedication you have put into these studies, I know that the Great High Priest is directing you and continuously giving you new light as we near His Second Coming! Praise God. Praying for you, your family and ministry always. Please pray for our small group here in Edinburg, TX as we continue studying and sharing the Sanctuary study series.”– M. R., Edinburg, TX, USA.
“I know His work not only pardons us it keeps us. After studying I realized again that the trial we go through with the Sunday law crisis gets rid of our earthliness so that the image of Christ may be perfectly reflected. It also causes us to overcome unbelief, and develop faith, hope, and patience. Another article brings out how trials if responded to in the right way purifies us. It is SW February 7, 1905 entitled “A Message of Purification:” ‘These trials are not the smallest blessings in our experience. They are designed to nerve us to determination to succeed. We are to use them as a heaven appointed means of gaining decided victories over self, instead of allowing them to hinder, oppress, and destroy us.’ This also jumped out at me as I was studying. Satan wants us to sin because when we accept Jesus and He separates us from Satan’s control it shows the superiority of Jesus and He hates Christ. “All the hatred and malignity of the archrebel is stirred as he beholds the evidences of Christ’s supremacy; and with fiendish power and cunning he works to wrest from Him the children of men who have accepted salvation.” PK 586 Thanks again.”– M. C., Willits, CA, USA.
“What a blessing we received from your message! God has chosen you for a special work. Our prayers are with you and LOBM. We so appreciate you taking the time and sharing with us. . . “– K. M., Oroville, CA, USA.
“This is so filled with hope and promise!” – L. M., Eureka, California, USA.
“I’m a 4th generation SDA. Both my parents were teachers in the SDA university and secondary school systems. I can’t remember overhearing them talk or tell me about the significance of the Sanctuary. I can see the centrality of it, since it explains what Christ has been doing since He ascended to heaven. It also assures the reality of a finality and conclusion to sin, so that Christ will return after completing His work. I appreciate the insight and detailed exploration on this topic found on your site.” – R. K., Dobbins, California, USA
“Thanks so very much for all the information on your site. What a powerful resource to help God’s last day people to herald the Three angels’ Message! Maranatha!” – S. B., Rochester, New York, USA.
“May the Lord bless your ministry abundantly. You got us hooked This message is relevant this time and must be shared and studied in our churches. Thanking God for His love and your dedication.” – Z. C., McAllen, Texas, USA.
“Receive warm greetings from me in the name of Jesus Christ Our personal savior and redeemer. I am Pastor Kevin from Kenya. I had gone through your website and it was really a blessing to go through it and very much informing and encouraging. May you be blessed abundantly for the wonderful and great work that you are doing over there.” –P. K., Kenya, Africa.
“I want to thank you for simplifying and explaining in detail the sanctuary and how to prepare for the end of probation. At the SDA church in Edinburg, Texas, there is a small group of us studying God’s message on this topic and using the guidelines provided on your site. . . Again thank you and may God keep on blessing you all.” – C. M., Edinburg, Texas, USA.
“I have finished the 70 lessons and done 2 of the divergent views studies. My faith is strengthened and I am able to support my beliefs as never before. I am so blessed by the increased knowledge and light I have gleaned from these amazing studies. Thank-you for your ministry and may God richly bless and prosper your work in these last days.” – C. O., Battle Ground, WA, USA.
Thank you so much for your hard work. So many questions i have had for many years , have real answers now. I pray for you all and your work. We need all of this now, as time is now counted in minutes. – D. P., College Place, WA, USA.
“I just want to let you know that I am truly blessed with your sanctuary studies. The message is pure truth, deep and clearly explained. The Lord has truly blessed you with wisdom and I thank and praise God for you and for sharing with us the light. I really enjoy listening to and at the same time learning about the deep significance of the sanctuary message— what is Christ is doing right now in the Most Holy place. I share with my family and friends the website and copies of your series studies. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May the Lord almighty bless you, your family and ministry more abundantly. May many souls be won for Christ through your ministry and dedicated heart. God bless you so much.” –D. J., Dublin, Ireland.
“Thank You for being faithful in upholding The Lord’s ministry. I am currently studying in an Seventh-day Adventist seminary for Pastoral Ministry and The Lord has laid on my heart to understand The Sanctuary since I was called out from a life of continual sin in an unconverted state to becoming a Christian Seventh-day Adventist. I came across your LOBM ministry by divine appointment traveling to a church hours away to hear an international minister speak and sitting next to me was an African youth who, after talking to him, told me about your ministry. Then I knew this was not man’s appointment, but The Lord’s.
“Let us continue be faithful to our high calling in Christ Jesus, and as we HEAR, let us HEED the voice of the faithful and true witness saying “Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” 2 Chron 20:20.” – S.T., N.S.W., Australia.
“Keep up the good work—Jesus is coming soon and you are doing your part to fulfil His commission: Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” –V. H., Awapuni, New Zealand
“A fellow Elder from a Northern California SDA church gave me your CDs for the Sanctuary Service while I was speaking there and what a blessing they have so far been. . This will be a great help to our missionary work oversees where the people still offer live sacrifices and we have begun to teach from this model. “I’m praising GOD for the way HE is leading us and the way HE has been putting materials in our hands at just the right time Thank you Father! May you and your ministry be blessed.” –M. C., Mindanao, Southern Philippines
“I just want to say how thankful I am for this ministry. The studies over the sanctuary have blessed so many people in Weslaco, Texas. We have been studying it here and at the SDA church in Edinburg, Texas, as well. Thank you, I know God is using this ministry.” – M. D., Weslaco, TX, USA.
“I’ve been a Seventh-day Adventist since 1975 and I have learned more about the Sanctuary truth in the first 5 lessons than in all the previous years. Praise God for your ministry.” –D. H., U.S.A.
“On behalf of all who attend the Sanctuary Studies I want to say a “big THANK YOU” for all the time and effort you give to bring this most important message to us. We really appreciate you and what God is doing through you. . .” – J. N., Paradise, CA, USA.
“We are in Washington state. Our church is in White Salmon, WA. We are using these studies for our Friday evening vespers study together. Really wonderful. We are so blessed as Seventh day Adventists with the Sanctuary message. Thanks so much for making it available.” —M. O. Washington, USA.
“We have an on-going Wednesday evening Sanctuary study group meeting in our home, and we’d like to add this study set to the resources we are using.”– G. W., USA.
“Thank you so much for your Messages. May God continue to bless your ministry abundantly.” — M. I., Maryland, USA.
“Thank you for these studies. It is a God send for us!” — D. O., Arizona, USA.
“I want to learn more about the Sanctuary. It sounds fundamental for the time we are living and the future.” —H. M., Michigan, USA.
“My life has continually grown spiritually as I continue my study on the Sanctuary series. Thank you very much for your continued dedication. Will always pray for you and your family for continued guidance from the Lord.”– M. R., Edinburg, TX.
“I have only listened to the 1st sermon on the sanctuary but although I have heard the message before I learned about the last atonement service in heaven where the living servants of God..the faithful followers are given the robe of righteousness. .they are free of the Devils harassment. .Glory to God !!! I am now very excited about this message !! “Thank you so much! This is a high point in my walk with God! I want to serve our heavenly father ! Please continue to be a light that shines out to all people. I will share your site often. That is all I can do at this point. I will pray for your God given work to continue to be spread and that it will be a blessing that keeps on blessing. Thank you for these sermons!” —B. S., Alberta, Canada
“. . .your studies have been such a blessing to my life – to understand the final atonement and what gift Christ will give to us on that day. It has taken away all of the fear, and moves me to carry on in that work of soul affliction and putting away of everything that is not of Him. “I am very encouraged as I hear more and more preachers present the true gospel (Audioverse etc), and also encouraged as I hear of the young people and how they seem to be embracing this message. There are many different preachers presenting different aspects of the truth, but what you are sharing is the most complete that I have heard so far. It ties everything together so beautifully. I now want to understand these messages – to know all the bible texts and understand them and be able to tie them all together for myself so that I can share them with others. “When my friend in the U.S. sent me the link to your website, she sent no message with it – just entitled it ‘A Gift For You.’ And that is exactly what it has been. A gift from the Lord. “I’m sure the Lord has more truth to reveal to us as His people, let’s pray that all of His faithful ones will wake up and live up to all the light that He has given us so far, so that we can move forward by faith. “May the Lord continue to bless you as you share these messages with the church, and THANK YOU so much!!!” —S. A., Dublin, Ireland.
“I have lived here in Edinburg, Texas, since 1993. I moved from Glendale, California where I was baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist 28 years ago. I was never introduced to what I signed up for until now, when I started studying the present truth,” i. e., the everlasting gospel in light of the Sanctuary message. I realize now that my spiritual life is a “work in progress.” I feel like I have been robbed of the opportunity to get to know Jesus as my High Priest in the Most Holy Place on a more personal level. I feel so blessed hearing your timely messages. I know now the tremendous sacrifice He has made for me. I cannot have it any other way. Every single day, I feel that I have a lot to learn and to share. “I praise God for my small bible study group led by Bro. J. T. For our ever generous hosts the C. . .o family, and my co-students and family M…s, E…r, M…h, L…a, J…n, Z…a, M…y or N…y, N…n. What a joy to have you all in Christ. And to you most importantly, Bro. Henry Cha and your family and to Sister Ellen White for her inspired messages. But most of all, to the Giver of all and Source of why we are all excited about the Sanctuary. . . It is indeed a miracle. “He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it if we do the same as tried, tempted and faithful children of God. What an awesome God, what an amazing journey and I can hardly wait for more to come. God bless us all. . . “Let us continue to study diligently. It humbles me to know that He did not forsake me and give up on me through the years. We look forward to see you Bro. Henry consider this as initial invitation. You will hear from Bro. J.” –O. N., Edinburg, TX, USA.
I teach a large Sabbath School class weekly and have encouraged the members to go to your LOBM website and listen to the studies. I will continue to share your timely messages. I believe we are in very serious times and we must dig deeply into God’s Word. Thank you for your ministry and I will be praying for you. —D. G., Grants Pass, Oregon, USA
I found your website LOBM while looking for information about the investigative judgment on Judah and Jerusalem while studying Ezekiel 1-10. You provided useful information on how this is interpreted as a type of end time investigative judgment. This was unknown to me until I got access to your recordings. After I listened to the recordings (all at least once and some more than once consisting of more than 100 hours), I started reading more specific information on the various topics that you referenced; mostly this included the design and function of the sanctuary and the sanctuary service, Revelation, and the book of Zechariah (I found your presentations on Zechariah’s 8 visions and Revelation’s 7 seal, your interpretation of the meaning of 666, etc, all very interesting). I have been listening to your presentations for about 3 months now. I very much appreciate and benefit from the messages that you are providing. I was led to LOBM when I was searching for information about the investigative judgment of Judah and Jerusalem while studying Ezekiel chapters 1-10. The references that you gave motivated me to look further into the sanctuary service. I can see myself studying this topic for quite a long time. —G. J., Virginia, USA
We I have been very blessed by your presentations. I got your Dvd’s form Little Light M. at the GC this summer and just finished the 70 lecture on the Sanctuary….Powerful. . .have a small group listening to your presentations down here in Auburn and are very much being blessed by the studies. —J. F., Auburn, CA, USA.
Thank you for LOBM , Henry Cha and family. I have been studying it since 2013 of September and I always look forward for more light that you can share with me. Each time it never ceased to amaze me. I am so passionate with the Sanctuary that I am worshipping God in the Most Holy Place, Very life changing. I have witnessed answered prayers in the Most Holy Place. It humbles me and it draws me near to God. Nothing matters but the time I can spend in studying the Word of God and prayer. It brings me one day closer to His soon return and tne New Jerusalem. The world has offered me nothing but grief and sorrow. Even my prayer has changed in the manner that I need to cry out to Him in the Most Holy Place. That’s the only way I can get closer to our Lord Jesus intimately, our High Priest. Your Sanctuary study is irreplaceable by any doctrine or study lessons that I had in the past and it has been penned with authority from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the Word. God bless you LOBM . . . –O. N., Texas, USA
Just finished Number 24 of Meat in Due Season about counting the number of the beast. I immediately thought of the beast from the bottomless pit in Rev. 11 and sure enough it has 6 characteristics also. So fun and amazing. I have been passing on this website to friends and church members because it has been an experience of revival for me. I can’t get enough. . .–S. R., Auburn, CA USA
Dearest Henry, this is to say a Big Thanks! Thank you for all the messages you faithfully share with us. They have been a blessing for me and for others. I have learned a lot even I know there are too much ahead to learn. Every lesson is a treasure from God to me. Praised be the Lord, that is using your talents and your time in order to prepare a people zealous of good works. Many questions I used to have you have answered them. Thank you for your hard work. May the Lord keep you under His wings.Praying for you. —E.M., Florida, USA
Have just been introduced to your website. I appreciate very much the messages on the sanctuary. They are very much like what I have been presenting on my Website mysteryfinished.wordpress.com I just recently posted your website on my website to encourage my readers to listen to your audio presentations. It was encouraging for me to see someone else having a burden to get the truth of Christ’s closing ministry in the heavenly sanctuary before our people. God bless. F. S., Alberta, CANADA
I wish to tell you what a blessing your website is to my wife and me. We are both second or third generation Adventists but have never experienced he Sanctuary message like this before. We wish to share your ministry with everyone we can. While we have only just begun to go through your material we both see the urgency of getting this message out to, first our own people, and then the rest of the world. We would love to have the opportunity to attend one of your seminars should there be one close by. Thank you again for your work and God bless you. —H. B., Washington, USA.
. . .One of my group attended the ARME thing in the Carolina conference recently and we found out about you and your studies. Some of us have been listening to them and decided we all could benefit from listening. I find that so many know next to nothing about the sanctuary or even care. I have been enamored for 15-20 years and can’t get enough of this line of study. It’s like a safety net! — K.C., Henderson, North Carolina, USA.